
Supporter groups

ULTRAS Populaire Sud

Since 2013, its voice has filled the Allianz Riviera.

The 'choir' breathes life into the stadium each and every time Les Aiglons take to the pitch.

'Everywhere and always', including when they are needed in the community, the 'Pop' follows OGC Nice across the country and Europe. The group also owns its own headquarters in front of the old Stade du Ray.

More informations

Populaire Sud Facebook page

Club Des Supporters

Founded in 1947, the year Le Gym reached the top division, the Club Des Supporters is the oldest Rouge et Noir fan group.

The group broke the 5,000-members barrier in 1952, the year of the double. Previously to be found in the Première Sud stand of the Stade du Ray, it has congregated in the Garibaldi stand since Le Gym moved to the Allianz Riviera.

A loyal supporter of the Club, both at the stadium and in activities away from the pitch, the CDS also excels in the sale of merchandise, most notably at its boutique located at bis rue Arson.

More informations

CDS Facebook page 

La Secioun Parigi

The Secioun Parigi brings together Nice supporters living in the Paris region and its surroundings.

The group is an ubiquitous presence whenever Le Gym are playing in the north of France. It also attends European away games and can be found at the Allianz Riviera for certain matches.

Although the Secioun Parigi was only formed in 2013, other 'expat' fans united in the years before to support Les Rouge et Noir. At the start of the 1990s, the 'BSN Parigi' – affiliated to the now dissolved BSN – also followed Les Aiglons, among others, in their away trips to the opposite end of the country.


More informations

Secioun Parigi Facebook page

Secioun Israèl 

There is a new arrival in the red and black stands - and it comes from far away! Launched at the end of the 2021-22 season, the Secioun Israèl is the first Nice supporters' club based outside of France. After turning up for the Coupe de France final against Nantes (7 May, 2022), the group also offered a magnificent red and black chorus at Bloomfield Stadium in Tel Aviv, where 170 of its members were in attendance for the first leg of the Conference League play-off against Maccabi. Backed by some 30 active members - all former season ticket holders at the Ray or Allianz Riviera - who get together for each Aiglons game, the Secioun Israèl was also in Cologne in November 2022 and in Chișinău in March 2023. 

Following its creation and rise, the Secioun plans to accompany Le Gym more and more to various stadia all across Europe.

Kop Mèfi Club 

The Kop Mèfi Club first appeared during the 2019/20 season and is now a fixture in the Allianz Riviera landscape. Congregating at the heart of the Garibaldi stand, it brings together supporters under the age of 12 who are members of the Mèfi Club, which is dedicated to young fans. The youngsters energise the stand and support Les Aiglons with passion during every home fixture, all the while being close to their parents and supervised by OGC Nice personnel.

The Mèfi Club's young fans have also backed Le Gym beyond the Allianz Riviera, having taken part in the away trip to Toulouse on 15 February 2020.

More informations

Mèfi Club official website